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TRIBAL second edition

TRIBAL second edition

Long time between posts! We're back with some good news - TRIBAL 2nd edition is nearly done!
Mana Press - Getting on with Things in Lockdown#2

Mana Press - Getting on with Things in Lockdown#2

September 2020 Updates - Competition extension, Hobby Updates, and Online Gaming
Morituri te Salutant - A Tribal supplement

Morituri te Salutant - A Tribal supplement

At Mana Press we have been playing a fair few Gladiator games over the years. Last year, Adam provided a few more addendums to our Tribal rules for...
Hawaiians Raid a Maori Pa - A TRIBAL game

Hawaiians Raid a Maori Pa - A TRIBAL game

Viv's Hawaiians raid Aramiha's Maori territory - a tabletop game of Tribal playing the Raid Scenario