It’s that Time of the Year when work finishes up for a while. Those of Us at Mana Press are off to visit our respective families and homes – including Ara’s return to Aotearoa to visit whanau for the first time in nearly 5 years. Please note that any orders made from December 15 onwards will be fulfilled as soon as Ara returns – 1 Jan 2023.
In the meantime, we’d suggest customers get orders of TRIBAL 2nd ed in pretty soon – it’s time for another print run, and costs have gone up for us… which means TRIBAL 2nd ed will go up to $45aud from 1st Jan 2023.
We’d like to thank all of our loyal ‘TRIBE’ for supporting us this year, and for playing our games, and for chatting to us online and at conventions. We have more fun and exciting things planned for 2023 – onwards and upwards!
Talking of which… we have a FREE Xmas present for everyone, but especially the roleplayers out there. TWADDLE the dice stacking game - a test of skill at dice stacking, with an array of fun little impediments to make things more interesting!
Check it out here:
Have a go and let us know what you think!
In the meantime, Happy Holidays to each and every one of you - stay safe and enjoy time with your loved ones.
Nga mihi,
The Mana Press Team